EDUCARE TRAINING COURSE – PART-TIME – OVER 1 YEAR START 1 MARCH 2021 – REGISTER NOW Course includes: *Understanding the developmental stages of child development *Setting up the environment with suitable resources *The facilitation of the holistic development of...

Waste2Toys Workshops with Singakwenza

In October and November Singakwenza ran two workshops for our Educare students. Common recyclable materials were used to make simple toys and equipment for gross motor and fine motor development in pre-school children. Understanding the physical development of...
Our New Website

Our New Website

We have a brand new website to help us tell the world about Siphakeme. We needed a new website so that we could tell our story and give people an easy way to donate towards the important work we are doing. It is also responsive as you can see in the image above it...
Early Childhood Development Conference

Early Childhood Development Conference

On Saturday 10th September a group of Level 4 students and their facilitator attended a one day ECD Training Conference in Kloof, near Durban. It was organised by The Love Trust, our social franchise partner. Attending the conference were other Level 4 students from...
Start of third Level 4 course

Start of third Level 4 course

On 2nd September 14 students registered for the ECD Level 4 course. This is our third course and brings the total number of students doing Level 4 at Siphakeme to 40. Thirteen of these students have completed or are currently doing the Educare course and are now keen...
New Educare Course

New Educare Course

Beginning of July saw a new group of students to enrol for Educare arrive to start their year of training. The students come from all corners of the greater Pietermaritzburg area, travelling into the city by taxi or bus and then walking the last few blocks to Metro...
Graduation Day 2016

Graduation Day 2016

Graduation Day has passed. A celebration of a year’s course completed and a certificate to show for it. Siphakeme wishes them well for the future – some to continue with their teaching with confidence to do it better; and some to more formal academic...
Graduation Day 2013

Graduation Day 2013

On Monday this week 20 ladies completed the yearlong course and graduated. It was exciting to hear Doris, a 56 year old granny who has run a crèche for four years, share her dreams of expanding her crèche to include Grade R children as she now has the confidence and...