Graduation Day 2013

On Monday this week 20 ladies completed the yearlong course and graduated.

It was exciting to hear Doris, a 56 year old granny who has run a crèche for four years, share her dreams of expanding her crèche to include Grade R children as she now has the confidence and skills to teach them for school readiness. And then there was Thandi who was completely lacking in self-confidence, with little formal education and seeking social support for survival for herself and her child. She now stands tall and confident having completed the training and found herself employment in a small pre-school near her home. She loves children and now has the grounding to be a pre-school teacher or assistant.

These two ladies each year will touch the lives of 20 or more children helping them to be ready for ‘big school’ and the foundation for a promise of a better life.

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Please help us educate our nation.

Siphakeme kindly asks for your donation to train teachers in providing Quality Pre-school Education for our nation.